Mexican Subject Collection, 1918-1996


Mexican Subject Collection, 1918-1996

Reports, policy statements, resolutions, bulletins, speeches, agenda, election material,serial issues, pamphlets, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions inMexico. The collection focuses primarily on communist, socialist and Trotskyistorganizations in Mexico, and consists largely of issuances of these organizations(especially the Partido Comunista Mexicano, the Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores, thePartido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, and the Partido Socialista Unificado deMéxico) and of trade unions (especially of university workers) from the 1960sthrough the 1980s.


Related Entities

There are 5 Entities related to this resource.

Fourth International (corporateBody)

Partido Socialista Unificado de México (corporateBody)

Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores (corporateBody)

Partido comunista mexicano (corporateBody)

Partido Comunista Mexicano (PCM): founded in 1919 and affiliated with the Communist International (COMINTERN); involved in several worker's strikes, tenants' struggles and peasant actions in the 1920s and 1930s; participated in the founding of the Confederación General de Trabajadores in 1921; in 1925 the periodical El Machete, which was founded by artists like Diego Rivera and David Siqueiros, became the official organ of the PCM; forced to move underground from 1929 to the end of...

Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (Mexico) (corporateBody)